Sunday, December 30, 2007

My interpretation of a perfect end of year

I don't know if it is the heat or the consumption of too much high-calorie food, but I feel lethargic lately. I feel lazy. Luckily I have already helped my mom in doing the end of year shoppings and since I don't know how to cook, I will not help in the cooking. That's something positive for me. I will just have to sit around and pretend to be having fun in the heat of the Mauritian summer by eating some "heavy" food.

The perfect end of year for me would imply a better climate. Lighter food and more free time to spend online updating my blog and chatting. Like I always do XD.

But seriously I think the perfect end of year would be what this guy, Slasher, hopes for; the elimination of poverty and famine ==> link

This is one of the simplest and nicest post I have read recently. Way to go buddy. ;)

And to everyone of you, have a wonderful end of year.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Theme of the week - A review of my choice

Why not review the blog or group that has initiated it all? I am talking about the Mauritius Blog Brethren or the MBB. As far as I know, the MBB blog was formed 2 months ago and the blog gained immediate success mainly because the aim of MBB is to help other bloggers and promote them. Quite self-less I would say. MBB's way of promoting blogs comes in the form of reviews and occasional competitions. The reviews are mainly positive with some advices and I must say that those reviews have a psychological impact on people and make them want to keep blogging. Imagine having someone reading your blog and compiling a review of it. This is flattering and will make you want to keep doing it.

MBB also offers the opportunity of meeting fellow Mauritian bloggers who blog about different things and to share views and ideas on their forum. What is striking on their forum is that everyone can have their say. You don't like the color scheme for example, you voice it out and they make a change. You can propose themes for the theme of the week and if everyone agrees on it, the theme becomes the theme of the week. These are mere examples of the functioning of the forum.

What I like about MBB are that:

They do not ask for backlinks. I mean that it is not mentioned anywhere that to be a member you should add them to your blogroll or talk about them. They only ask for participation on other blogs.

They have shaped this blogging passion into a fraternity and as far as I know this has never been done before.

The christmas theme on their forum roxx!

If you are Mauritian and have a blog, MBB is the place to go!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

On holidays

I am officially on holidays. I am so happy that I am free from revision and assignments at last. I will still have to revise and work on my project but I also enjoy and go out with my friends. I have lots of plans before christmas and New year. I will resume my guitar tuitions and I will go shopping till I drop.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Why do exams have to come?

I hate exams, they force me to work for long hours and make me lose sleep. Every year I promise myself that I will have less fun and that I will be more serious but every time I end up revising at the last minute and panicking as hell because I cannot remember anything. It is midnight and I am still revising when I should be sleeping. I used to be a dedicated student. I don't know why I am no longer that dedicated. Fun fun fun! That is all that matters now!